
What hormone causes oily skin?

From mood changes and cramps to energy bursts and hunger, we know our bodies change throughout our cycles, and our skin is no exception. Depending on the time of the month, you may experience hormones affect your skin, dry skin, breakouts or natural glow.

Continue reading to learn more about the connection between skin and hormones and how you can improve your skincare regimen in conjunction with your body’s natural changes.

From dry skin to soft ovulation skin

You know your body better than anyone, so you may have already noticed if your skin changes at different stages of your menstrual cycle.

Of course, every woman will be different and have a different experience. However, we want to take the time to highlight hormones that can affect your skin, so you can get to know your body – if you want – to match your skin cycle with your unique cycle.

Period skincare

Your cycle begins at the beginning of your period. At this point, the level of both sex hormones, progesterone, and estrogen is low and the skin is dry.

This is a good time for self-care, use gentle products on the skin and creamy moisturizers can help to rejuvenate and dry skin.

The skin will be stronger after your period

Once your period is over, your body starts producing estrogen again. It absorbs the skin and promotes collagen production, making the skin appear stronger and healthier.

We usually feel less pain at this point in our cycle, so this is a good time to do hair removal if it’s part of your routine.

Glowing Ovulation Skin

You can feel the top shape during the fertile window. Due to the high amount of collagen, your skin will look strong and healthy.

Some women may shine and others may have some pimples at this time, as the skin becomes a little hormone that causes oily skin. Enjoy the natural glow and keep your face clean to avoid early breakouts.

oily skin

Hormones and oily skin

After ovulation, your body begins to produce a hormone called progesterone. This hormone causes oily skin changes, including an increase in physical changes. Progesterone also causes the production of thick, oily skin that acts as a natural skin lubricant.

This clogs our pores and makes us more prone to breakouts in the luteal phase. Rinse regularly and soak up excess oil on the skin with your favorite mask.

Natural cycles, skin, and hormones

We hope you have learned about periodontal skincare, the connection between hormones and oily skin and how you can notice your skin at different stages of your menstrual cycle.

Tracking changes in your body is part of using natural cycles. The app can teach us about our unique cycle and use hormone-free birth control as an option or plan pregnancy.