Can You Use Body Butter On Hair?

Body butter products are one of the manufactured using a combination of carrier oils and essential butters. Carrier oils are used to hold and deliver the essential ingredients into the skin. The difference between hair butter and body butter is the essential fats and minerals that are extracted from natural ingredients like palm, shea, cocoa, mango etc. Each kind of butter is varying in their unique texture, rigidity, and absorbency. These ingredients are combined, sometimes with additional specialized ingredients, to formulate a body butter product. The body butter is using for hair AND skin. Some body lotions are butter, Aloe Vera gel, and oils. These are all frequently used on the skin and hair. There are some of the following…

What Is a Baggy Method for Hair?

The baggy method is one of the popular technique and it is a creative solution for locking in your moisture. Many curliest hair is swearing by this method on their journeys to longer hair. First, you are applying a moisturizer to the hair and then you can wrap with a baggy, plastic cap, or saran wrap for an extended period of time. The baggy method for hair is used plastic caps or bags to keep your hair and ends moisturized to protected. If you are wanted to grow your child’s hair long and strong, then you are wanted to incorporate this method into their natural hair regimen. There are several different variations of the baggy method for hair growth. The…

get rid of oily skin

How Do You Get Rid of Oily Skin Naturally?

Oily skin is the result of the sebum from sebaceous glands. These are located under the skin’s surface. Sebum is not all bad since it is helping protect and moisturize your skin. It is keeping your hair shiny and healthy. Oily skin and acne are challenging to manage. Still, home remedies are reducing symptoms without the use of prescription drugs or it is expensive skincare regimens. There are some natural home remedies for oily skin the following: Wash your face Many people are having oily skin but they are not washing their faces daily. If your skin is oily, you must be washing your face twice a day but don’t overdo it. You can get rid of oily skin naturally.…

What Food Is Bad for Oily Skin?

There are many causes of oily skin. The skin type you inherited from your parents. Constant exposure to pollution and heat can be made your skin dull and rough. It is getting difficult to multitask and we are forgetting to take care of skin or perhaps. It is becoming our priority. Your daily diet you can be keeping your skin healthy and glowing. If you are having oily skin, there are a few food items. You must be avoided preventing your skin. There are some foods that make your skin oily: Dairy products Dairy products are including cow’s milk, butter, and cheese contain high levels of hormones which can lead to increased oil production and blocked pores. Dairy-free alternatives are almond milk and…

How Often Should You Use Body Lotion?

Dry skin is one of the biggest problems facing skin on a daily basis. Millions of people are around the world suffering from dry, flaky, cracked skin. This is not only uncomfortable but it is making their skin look less radiant and healthy. Moisturizes with body lotions are helping solve this issue by keeping the water contained in your skin. It is making sure and it has the proper hydration necessary to stay healthy look and feel its best. Many people are used too much, or too little, and both directions. It can cause your skin to be less healthy and not look the way you want. There are finding some situations that indicate it is time to slather your…

Is Milk Good for an Oily Face?

Milk is one of the wonderings for your face that is hydrating dry skin, exfoliates mature skin, soothes irritated skin and lightens dark skin. Both research and experience are speaking volumes about the extraordinary benefits of milk for the skin. There are dermatologist-recommended benefits milk for oily face the following: Milk for washing face Milk is removing the oil-soluble impurities and it is helping of fat-soluble enzyme lipase and protein-based impurities with the help of protease. This is dead skin cells with lactic acid. You can be used milk for washing face in the following 2 ways:   Using fresh milk This method is one of the suitable for non-acne prone skin only. Milk good for an oily face is…